Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Running, Why We Love it

This is my first post for this blog!  I decided to put something deep and possibly poetic but I'm not really sure if it is.

Running, to some it's a sport but to others (like me!) its  much more than that.  For those who love to run running is the thing that we look forward to every day, it gets us out of the house, office, or classroom, gives us life, joy freedom, and empowers us with the strength to get through the rough spots in life.
But why? Why do we love running so?  Maybe it's because it doesn't matter how fast you are, many of use started out in high school, and despite your lack of physical strength or hand eye coordination cross country accepted you weak or not, maybe it's because it keeps you healthy, maybe its because while running you feel free, or maybe because you feel as if there was a strange and mystical force surrounding running.
While some may think that humans weren't meant to run, that isn't the case.  hundreds of thousands of years ago mankind was still just trying to survive, we weren't stronger, or faster than most animals, but one thing we did have was endurance, the endurance to outrun almost any animal until it passed out from exhaustion.  Mankind then took that power and used it to travel forth and spread across the world thereby helping us become one of if not the most dominant animal on the planet.  after learning this from the various anthropology classes I've taken I've become even more inspired to run, for in a way when we run its like we're tapping into a primordial power source of untold possibilities

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